Sunday, July 14, 2013


Sambil belek belek gambar lama dalam kamera tadi, terjumpa pulak gambar gambar kat Sydney tahun lepas. Seminggu di sana, 5 days on business matters, 2 days on leasure..
Encik suami @ my bodyguard pun ikut sama :D

Best kat Sydney tu, we really made the best out of the 2 extra days before balik Malaysia. Naik train dia sampai ke mana mana ntah, sikit lagi nak sampai dekat area orang asli dia kot.. :p
Weol sampai jugak ke satu town ni, which is the only Muslim town kat sana(sebab nak cari makanan halal yang banyak dan sedap), tak ingat pulak apa nama town tu. Jalan sana sini, and when I say 'jalan' it means literally..penat oo... Mujur la masa tu winter, takde la berpeluh. Lagi menggigil ada la sebab jalan kaki sambil mengadap angin sejuk tu. 
Masa weol di sana, suhu time tu ranging between 8C to 12C. Temperature wise memang la tak sejuk sangat, tapi dia punya angin memang tak boleh tahan, freezing cold!! 

Banyak lagi gambar sebenarnya tapi saja pilih 4 je..throwback sikit sikit dah le :). 
Lagi satu sebab, on the last day kat sana takde gambar sebab bateri camera abis dan charger pulak buat hal masa tu.. grrrr...

Actually yang buat I excited bila tengok balik gambar Sydney ni, is because...

I will be going to Australia again next year !! (Insya Allah).  And the destination is GOLD COAST!
This time, it will be 100% leasure..yesss!! 
Free & fully sponsored trip by Hai O. Macam Hanis kata last week, bawak seringgit je pun takpe..coz EVERYTHING will be fully paid. 
I'm so excited, me and encik suami are really looking forward to this trip. Honeymoon lagi kot.. :p

Anyone of you who wish to go as well, come come! There are still plenty of time to start the journey. Hai-O throw the challenge for free trip to Gold Coast ni baru je start from 1st July, and the duration is up to 30 Oct. Lamaaaa lagi, banyaaak lagi masa. The best part is, while you are qualifying yourself for the trip, you actually make more monthly income, probably achieve 5 figure by then !! And the contest is so achievable.. but provided you are in the right group la..coz in my group, we teach you the way.. 

Come join me as a GLAMPRENEUR ! 

012 4700240

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