Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Testimoni Mineral Coffee

Sharing with you latest Mineral Coffee feedback.

This is from my old neighbour@childhood friend, Nine..
A very talented person.  Full of passion for Information Technology, Blog, Web design, Photography.. From Perlis.

Last weekend received stock Mineral Coffee dan sabun Marine Essence from Nita. First batch for sampling purpose. Nak try guna sendiri dulu sebab Nita dah banyak kali promote ni. Kena test dulu.
Feedback Mineral Coffee.
The following morning,  try minum sepeket Mineral Coffee. My first impression- sedap. Unique taste. Lemak2  +  very mild salt aftertaste di hujung. Minum pagi pagi,  aroma dan taste dia memang buat mata terus terbuka. Refreshing.
Lepas minum tu start buat kerja kerja rutin harian kat rumah. Instantly felt the effect. Rasa lebih energetic. One more thing, selalu pagi pagi tu sambil buat kerja walaupun dah mandi, rasa mengantuk tu still ada lagi, but that morning tak ngantuk pulak. Buat kerja pun rasa cergas. Best, cepat settle kerja.
Dah siap kerja di rumah, moving to my next routine of the day pulak. Cycling. Sekarang memang dah tak boleh berenggang dah dengan MTB ni, pagi petang.
Ok, time kayuh ni, the effect from Mineral Coffee was even more obvious. Dah memang cycling ni Cardio workout dan guna banyak tenaga.So normally after certain distance atau time duration, rasa penat akan mula datang. But that day rasa elok je kayuh dengan speed dan momentum yang consistent. Dah macam minum energy booster. Tak penat pulak. Memang rasa energetic.
The above is just a partial copypaste version of his comment.
Nak baca cerita ni sampai habis, feel free to visit his blog, or just click here .
More stories about Nine or Zulkarnain Shaari and his passion can also be found here .

Anyway, moral of the story that I wanna share here, Mineral Coffee ni dah makin luas pengaruhnya. Ramai yang dah mula tau dan dah experience sendiri betapa bestnya rasa dan benefit Mineral Coffee ni. Yang latest, orang Perlis pun dah rasa kehebatannya :)
So sesiapa yang ada di Perlis/Kedah yang nak try Mineral Coffee ni atau ada soalan berkenaan Mineral Coffee samada dari segi produk atau bisnes, boleh contact Nine @ Zulkarnain Shaari at 012-5133953.

For those who is thinking of creating side income, where ever you are, Mineral Coffee ni memang sangat sesuai.
Untuk keterangan yang lebih detail, boleh refer Mineral Coffee Income, ataupun terus hubungi saya je ok :)


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