Thursday, February 13, 2014

Dilema sekolah

Hari ni first day Hazim di sekolah baru. After one month at Sek Men Bukit Jelutong, now we transfer him to SMK Shah Alam.

Actually the old and new school are not too far apart, satu Bukit Jelutong residential area, satu lagi di Bukit Jelutong industrial area. Distance from our house is almost the same. In fact lokasi dan route nak ke sekolah baru ni lebih convenient sikit kot.

But that's not the reason why we decided to move him to this new school.
Ada 2 sebab kenapa me & hubby made this decision. 

Sebab pertama solat Jumaat. Di sekolah lama, he's on the afternoon session. School van datang pick up pukul 11.30 pagi setiap hari, termasuk hari Jumaat.So he ended up berapa kali dah terpaksa skip solat Jumaat. And now is just early Feb. Takkan nak skip solat Jumaat for the whole year??? Scary..

Sebab kedua, bila sekolah pada sesi petang, rasa susah nak aturkan pembahagian masa. His whole morning wasted, lepas solat Subuh tidur balik. Kalau pun tak tidur, tengok tv atau mengadap laptop/tab. Pukul 10 lebih dah siap nak pegi sekolah sebab van datang awal. Balik dari sekolah dah pukul 7.30 malam. Solat Asar ke mana, Maghrib pun rushing. Dan tak tau time bila yang nak buat homework. Nak hantar untuk mengaji dan tusyen pun susah nak squeeze masa. Except for the time when he's at school, the rest of the day become unproductive.

So hopefully tukar ke sekolah baru ni, dapat sesi pagi, things will be better. Memang dilema jugak sebab ramai yang cakap kenapa tukar ke sekolah baru which tak tau lagi prestasi sekolah tu macamana. Form 1 pun ada 2 kelas je, students masih tak ramai.

Tapi takpelah, let other people say what they want to say.
We as parents only want the best for our kids. Nobody can tell what the future will be. Semoga niat dan sebab kami buat keputusan ni diredhai Allah. Maybe ada yang kata ini perkara remeh, but to us, these 2 matters are very important. Perkara yang boleh membentuk peribadi. Planting seeds for the future.

Semoga Allah permudahkan urusan..

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